Reaching America's Youth

Defy cancerous cycles of hate & heartache among American youth.
Evolve personally, as the staff, family and faces of Generation X Group - learning & growing in our own journeys as we carryout its message.
Drive the next generation into a future they can face with confidence, competence and class.
Restore poorly built relationships with self, family, teachers, peers and the justice system.
Provide quality adolescent resources; scholastic, occupational, behavioral, health & wellness. Fundamental counseling and mentorship programs, addressing self-afflictions, social and legal misconduct.

Unfortunately most of today's 'experts' professing to have
been 'about that life' couldn't demonstrate a damn thing about the hood. They're degreed, overheard hearsay, visit the community (lol) or worse, got it from T.V. And it's major upsetting because these aren't their children - they're ours. They're my four babies, your two nieces, his nephew, her son. The argument, however, is not against academics. I value the power of education, having unlocked my own scholastic limitations through school. But being in the belly of a beast is not taught in text books, I promise you that.
So why am I qualified? You must know how much I love giving my testimony! 20+ years ago I found myself sitting in a court room, staring at my courageous momma, knowing that the judge was about to carry out the life-term I sentenced myself to.
I had Heart though homie - didn't even cry - that day.
But believe me, the heart flat-lines after death.
'CHING CHING, CLANK' - you get use to that distinctly loud
bar-banging 'you're just a number' noise, so it didn't matter that
the guard threw in this random set of papers from my attorney
eight years in. I just sat em' to the side, like whateva' man.
Months later, my cellie's urging me to take a look in the
envelope ... my freedom was inside.
Unfortunately most of today's 'experts' professing to have
been 'about that life' couldn't demonstrate a damn thing about the hood. They're degreed, overheard hearsay, visit the community (lol) or worse, got it from T.V. And it's major upsetting because these aren't their children - they're ours. They're my four babies, your two nieces, his nephew, her son. The argument, however, is not against academics. I value the power of education, having unlocked my own scholastic limitations through school. But being in the belly of a beast is not taught in text books, I promise you that.
So why am I qualified? You must know how much I love giving my testimony! 20+ years ago I found myself sitting in a court room, staring at my courageous momma, knowing that the judge was about to carry out the life-term I sentenced myself to.
I had Heart though homie - didn't even cry - that day.
But believe me, the heart flat-lines after death.
'CHING CHING, CLANK' - you get use to that distinctly loud
bar-banging 'you're just a number' noise, so it didn't matter that
the guard threw in this random set of papers from my attorney
eight years in. I just sat em' to the side, like whateva' man.
Months later, my cellie's urging me to take a look in the
envelope ... my freedom was inside.
And since then? Well now, let's see...
I got on board with V.G. Guinness and the SEY YES program for about 10 years doing Crisis Intervention field work. Became a gang liaison to L.A.P.D., a gang expert for the Los Angeles Municipal Courts, a crisis counselor for the L.A. County Probation Dept. I've worked with over 200 L.A.U.S.D. schools, educating them on gang awareness, prevention, intervention, and planning 'Safe Passage' to & from school.
And then on to the Masters Plan: Generation X Group.
Man, I've had to keep my armor on day & night for this one. Even without funding, things had to get done. In fact, especially without. Without a dime, without a group, without a plan -
all I really needed was Hope.
Hope that rebuilding Westside Park would inspire, repainting local businesses would beautify, putting a team of gang leaders together for 'Death Prevention' might actually prevent deaths. I became a regional intervention spokesperson, a re-entry to society supporter, and met one of many hitlist goals, establishing a space for youth and their village of family & friends caught in the American machine's helpless cycle.

And since then? Well now, let's see...
I got on board with V.G. Guinness and the SEY YES program for about 10 years doing Crisis Intervention field work. Became a gang liaison to L.A.P.D., a gang expert for the Los Angeles Municipal Courts, a crisis counselor for the L.A. County Probation Dept. I've worked with over 200 L.A.U.S.D. schools, educating them on gang awareness, prevention, intervention, and planning 'Safe Passage' to & from school.
And then on to the Masters Plan: Generation X Group.
Man, I've had to keep my armor on day & night for this one. Even without funding, things had to get done. In fact, especially without. Without a dime, without a group, without a plan -
all I really needed was Hope.
Hope that rebuilding Westside Park would inspire, repainting local businesses would beautify, putting a team of gang leaders together for 'Death Prevention' might actually prevent deaths. I became a regional intervention spokesperson, a re-entry to society supporter, and met one of many hitlist goals, establishing a space for youth and their village of family & friends caught in the American machine's helpless cycle.
To strengthen our high-risk youth;
empowering them with tools that build self-worth, promote responsible lifestyles and ensure purposeful living. More than mentoring, scholastic provisions, and vocational support -
we have accepted a challenge to
feed the spirit.
We envision landmark changes in urban communities, a downturn in gang violence, abstinence education, and an enriched sense of aptitude, fortitude and character.
Our Vision? To profoundly raise the bar, as we reach out and hold tightly America's Youth.

Specializing in Commercial Law & Litigation, Insolvency & Fraud

Lessons in "Finding Your Voice"

General reading, writing & arithmetic; after-school homework help; study habits & acing exams. All-ages intro to computers & relevant software.

Learn the art of resolving conflict in healthy, successful ways.

Connect with care-givers, goal-aspired to lift spirits & encourage achievement.

Free 13 week class on self-development and strategy, using the highly regarded national family strengthening model, 'Making Parenting A Pleasure' (MPAP).

Learn trades & skills well respected by industry leaders. We greatly encourage creative, artistic fields where young people can express themselves productively.

Begin to channel chronic pain (AKA anger) in helpful ways and develop the tools for temper control.

Upon release from correctional facilities, prepare for your fresh start with work readiness training & certification, job scouting, college enrollment and support with goal-setting.

Be it college, career, housing or day care - we walk with you along each of your next steps.

The 'Lifting Youth Through Fundamental Enrichment' (L.Y.F.E.) program is a powerful season of coursework encapsulating each individual program.
Annual Generation X'perience
Generation X Group is all about X'periences! Exposing children to more than social media propels the journey to finding their best selves and establishes an appreciation for others... including Mother Earth. On our staple exploration, we dive into the world of nature and wild animals, history & archaeology, bodies of water, survival skills, teamwork, human affairs, racial indifference, social injustice - and naturally we've sprinkled in vignettes of each GXG program. So, do your part and be a part of the immense mission! One simple weekend can evoke lifetime change. Ages 12-17 yrs.
Anger Management & Conflict Resolution Workshop
Super tools that support healthy behavior during conflict
Helping youth deal with anger and conflict is one of the most important elements of modifying ones way of thinking. Conflict comes in many different forms, and once introduced to the tools necessary to resolve them, dialog becomes an option - one of which may just save their lives. 10-17 yrs.
This is a 12-Week $350 workshop, with 85% of the costs having been sponsored by the following, bringing the fee down to only $50/person:
Security Consultants
Dinks Plumbing
The Beasley Group
Kirt Watts, Bankers Realty
Lyfe Achievers
N2U Construction
We thank you for your generosity!
Plans For Summer? Join Your Buddies At GXG's Daily Youth Center.
Most inner-city youth have yet to experience any culture outside of their communities. Education's more than text books and exams, but experiences that find homes in the depth of their memories. The more a youth knows, the more choices he/she can make in life. Removing a youth's limits by exposing them to a world outside of the one they know will essentially give them more choices. The more our children know, the more they grow!
Jun 12, 2017 - Aug 18, 2017
Monday - Friday
8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Pickup/Drop-off Available (additional cost)
Youth Ages 6-18 Yrs.
Copy of most recent report card/progress report required
(for assessment only, cannot be denied for entry)
Included Generation X'Periences During Program:
Hiking at Santa Monica Mountains
Lake Gregory
Dodgers Game
Fishing on Boat
Splash Recreational Center
Yosemite National Park Annual GXG Weekend Excursion (ages 12-17; additional cost)
Your child will have stories to tell, unforgettable memories, be mentored and educated, all while having fun!
$22/Week; $200.00 Total (approx.) | Inquire About Payment Plans
GXG Director Speaks Against Racial Injustice
The loss of minority lives is rising at alarming rates. GXG Founder, Phill Morris offers insight and inspiration as we embark on a new generation, with an old story of abuse, disrespect and inequality.
From our first encounter, several years ago now, Phill has been an incredibly bright, positive & resilient Mega Leader. His spirit's served time in both worlds - a part of the chaos and peace.
So who better to bat a thousand at winning souls. The go get em' lives in him and he's full of fire
for our future! And for that, I am honored to serve his cause. Batter Up!
Proud Board Member
phill morris
william lockwood
vice president
chinyelu eze
director of projects
kesha kiper
youth director
dorothy smith
terri humphrey
silent partner i
silent partner ii


Youth Space: 241 S. Market St. | Inglewood CA 90303
Email: info@generationXgroup.org
Telephone/Fax: 310.424.5855
Mailing Address: PO Box 5241 | Gardena CA 90249
© 2016 GenerationXGroup. All Rights Reserved.